Monday, May 26

Renting a Car?

Sometimes you just wanna rent a car. Maybe you want to take a hassle-free trip to the beach, or maybe you're visiting a new place and you want to get around. Or maybe you just have a bunch of errands to run and need to haul big items. Either way, there is one rule of thumb for renting a car:

Tell them you are renting the car because your car is in the shop.
Many car companies offer lower rates to clients who have cars that are being serviced. They don't ask for any proof that you have a car, so just go ahead and bend the truth a bit. It can save you up to 50%. Check
And if you have issues lying, you can always say clever not untrue things that leave out parts of your statements like: my car is under repair (meaning your dream car); or my car is in the shop (as in...I haven't actually bought it yet, its' still in the shop ;)

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