Friday, February 29

Dinner and a Movie

It's the weekend. This is the time to catch up with friends, chill, let loose. But we all know how much it can cost us to simply have a good time.

Dinner $20-$40
Movie $10
Popcorn $5

...and don't try and go out for drinks afterward

Drinks $40

You've just spent on average $85. And you've only caught up with one, two...maybe three people. You've still got your "B" friends to hang out with, and it's only Friday.

It's cold outside, and despite what our beloved president says, we are in fact deeply in a recession. Don't believe the hype.

Host a Pot Luck!
Holler at your peoples, tell them each to bring a dish, a beverage, dessert :) You supply the space and the movie from your latest Netflix pick. Your friends show up, there's tons of food, drink, libations and sweets. It's warm and you've caught up with a whole bunch of friends. And when everything's all over, the leftovers go into your fridge ;)

If your place is too small, make the suggestion to a friend with a bigger place. And if they don't know how to host a party, you can always try this technique:

Now go put that $85 in your savings account, honey!

1 comment:

ladyv said...

so what city do you live in? i happen to know that you live in newyorkcityhoney. a movie ticket is like what $11.50, popcorn and drink like $10, and don't even get me started on dinner. that's more like $200 per person and up... cold! have you added the cabs! so in addition to your lovely pot luck have a bar at home! The standard price of a Grey Goose Martini is $14 + $3 20% tip = $17 / Price of a btl of Smirnoff (my fav. cheap vodka) $14.99 + tax= $16.30 / 6 mariinis / $2.72 per martini / WHAT. /