Monday, February 25

Save Money, Honey: Oscars Edition

DO NOT SHOP IN THE DAY-LEWIS/MILLER CLOSET!! that I got that out of my system, we can move on.
Oscar night is full of glamorous gowns, jewels and little golden men. For some reason, this year, I totally got into it. I usually poo-poo on the over Hollywood-ification of the event, but I dunno, being robbed of the Golden Globes/the Writers Strike struck a chord in me that I didn't know existed. Because even if a year went by and I didn't tune-in to the Oscars, I'd still be bound to come across highlights of the best and worse dressed, who won what and who didn't kiss whom...speaking of course about Javier Bardem, accepting his award from last years best supporting actress, Jennifer Hudson. He just took the statue from her with a firm head nod - no kiss on the cheek, no half-hug, not even a smile. What's up with that? I'm just saying. In my personal experience, the Spaniards don't have the same reputation as the Italians when it comes to the sistas - catch my drift? I don't think the people of Cuba would be very happy that the man picked to portray their native son would have a problem kissing Jennifer Hudson. Maybe I'm reaching, but hey - I'm still traumatized.
What does any of this have to do with saving money? Glad you asked. These celebs we ooh and aah over - they are very wise people when it comes to dressing up for these special events. We can learn a thing or two from them. First of all - they don't pay for their gowns! Now, I know you aren't as lucky as Marion Cotillard to have Jean-Paul Gautier let you borrow one of these,

but if you think about it, there are tons of up and coming designers among us who want to get their names out there...what you need to do is be their friend. And since you've already done the Oscars, consider:

Asking a designer friend to lend a gown for your special event.
Wedding season is right up the block. Graduations, too. Often times as a guest to these special occasions, you have to worry about purchasing gifts, shoes, plane tickets, hotel rooms...who wants to also shell out 80, 120 or even 200 dollars on a fabulous gown (cuz you know everyone's going to be immortalizing you with photographs). So ask a designer friend to let you show off one of her/his wares, and keep your promise to tell everyone who made it and where they can get one of their own. Dry clean it and return.
If you don't know any designer friends, make some! Reach out to your community of friends and acquaintances, host an artists' showcase at your place, befriend owners of local boutiques. You know I know my share of designer friends. How else do you think I got to rock this $500 frock to my dear friend's wedding?

Now about diamonds...


Nicole took bling to all new heights. We need a new term.
Diamonds are absolutely beautiful, yes...but we all know somewhere deep in our conscience the atrocities tied to diamonds...conflicts over diamonds that are traded for weapons to fuel wars in poor, torn nations affected by the horrors of the imperialists. Indigenous people from Brazil to Botswana, Australia to Canada who have and continue to loose their ancestral rights to their land simply because companies like DeBeers want to exploit the diamonds found on that very same soil. The children in India who cut 70% of all the world's gem-grade diamonds...don't get me started. I'm in the midst of making a documentary about this.
There is no price high enough to pay for the suffering inflicted upon people we cannot hear simply to look good.

If you wear diamonds and don't know where they've come from, I suggest trading them in for a diamond that is truly conflict-free (don't believe the Kimberley certificate hype!!!) Here's a great resource:
You can donate your diamond to Diamonds for Africa and they'll send you a tax-deductible receipt for its value as an in-kind donation to claim against your taxes. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the diamond jewelry will benefit affected communities in Africa.

Exchange your diamond for a conflict-free diamond, and get a 5% discount from:

Or, you can get down with diamonds that have been grown in labs here in the USA. Brief science are essentially carbon that has been exposed to heat and atmospheric pressure to then become a diamond. Carbon is carbon is carbon. It is the backbone of all organic life on Earth. It came to us from the stars billions of years ago and has been here ever since - the same amount of carbon just traveling from life-form to life-form. So whether a diamond is grown in the ground or in a lab, it's still the same make-up. It's still forever. Check some of these lab-grown diamonds out:

Then there's always the Diamond Empowerment Fund:
(DEF) developed by Russell Simmons to raise money for the development and empowerment of the people and communities in Africa where diamonds are a natural resource. The Diamond Empowerment Fund is a non-profit international organization established by individuals and businesses in the diamond industry and others who are committed to empowerment for the people of Africa.
Check these out

Now get fabulous, honey. And post your pics for us to see...

1 comment:

ladyv said...

and sample sales if ya didn't know. will email all of them to you when the season comes around.


there is one now!

Luca Luca
What: Eighty-five percent off fall/winter ’07.
Why: Take a Luca this.
When: Thurs. & Fri., 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Sat. & Sun., noon-5 p.m.
Where: 19 W. 36th St., b/t Fifth & Sixth Aves., 4th flr. R.S.V.P. to