Sunday, February 3


It's February and it's fashion week in NYC. All the Fall Fashions are being revealed to the trendsetters and editors [trendsettitors]. And then there's me. I love fashion but I definitly cannot afford the latest garments that I see through my camera lens sashaying down the runway.
Between my college days and now living the artists' life, I've acquired quite a few options to keep me looking and feeling fabulous, current and new - all without breaking my piggy bank. And today, I am going to share them with you.

Option One: Get thrifty
While yes, this is the obvious option, I still think it's best to at least mention that thrift stores are a major necessity for anyone trying to look their best without spending the most. And I'm not just talking major cities. Some of my best finds are from Mom and Pop's and Goodwills in Washington, North Carolina. Never heard of it? My point exactly. Be old fashioned, look in the yellow pages to find your local thrift/vintage shopping experience. I recommend a good washing before wearing.

Option Two: Swap til you drop!
This has got to be the best idea ever to cross a human mind. You know those old clothes you don't wear anymore or those brand new clothes that have been hanging in your closet with the tag still on them for like a year? Those pants that never quite fit you right? Yeah, those. We've all got 'em. So why not swap 'em!?
Host a clothing swap! Basically, you tell all your friends (especially the fashionable ones) to come to your apartment with all the clothes, shoes and accessories they just don't wear anymore. Designate a room as the "swap room", arrange all the clothes like you would a boutique while your guests mingle and eat chips in another room. Then open the flood gates while you and your guests swap away!
(note that as the host, you get first dibbs while you set up)
Accessories swaps on the job are also a good way to update your jewelry box while bonding with the co-workers.

Option Three: Shop on time
Bee like the fashion industry pros, shop for your clothes on the off season. I'm all about the off season. For example, winter is coming to an end and all the stores are having their winter clearance sales so they can make way for all the new spring merchandise they placed orders for back in September. Now is the time to buy your fall/winter items for next winter.
A few years back, I bought a full length black down coat by Guess (essential for NY Winters) in late February. $50. Yeah. Now, I know there are those of you who want to stay ahead of the trends and not be the ones rocking last years' looks. Point taken. Designate your off season shopping for staples like turtle necks, jeans, coats, sweat suits, wool socks, thermals and boots. For the trendy stuff, go ahead and buy it in season, but don't spend too much, cuz it's not like you need it to last for more than a season anyway. It's called H&M.

Option Four: Do it your damn self!
Who doesn't love a crafty afternoon?
Okay, I don't always. When I have an 'afternoon' sometimes I just like to catch up on my shows/reading/cleaning. But for those of you who love to get handy, I recommend these.

Send your pics and shopping tales to:

P.S. You could always buy, wear with care and return at major chain stores. But you didn't hear that from me ;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Allison,
Very cool. I enjoyed the advice and style of your blog.
I survived my junior year partly due to the fact that one of my house-mates was an avid dumpster diver. He brought home the bacon. Perilandra ya'll. I was eatin right!
Advice taken

J DOT said...

Hey Alli
Love your site. I'm so proud of you. Come raid my closet anytime.