Sunday, April 13

Free Consumption

Is it just me, or is anyone else out there spending money like it's water lately? Maybe it's the burgeoning spring, or the excitement of an upcoming vacation, but either way it's getting a little out of hand and it needs to sloooow down.

In efforts to curb spending, while still consuming, my dear friend and I are hosting...(drum roll, please)...A CLOTHING SWAP!

Yaaaaaay :)

It's on Sunday, April 20th from 3-7 @ my house. If you want the address, just send me an email:

What is the Clothing Swap, you ask?
Everyone (men, too! all sizes) brings clothing, shoes, and accessories from their closets, from a few choice items to a shopping cart load. They will be brought into the swap room, organized to some degree, and then the floor opens for shopping a gratis. This is a great way to upgrade your wardrobe, clean out your closet, and know that whatever is left over will be donated to a neighborhood charity.
You coming?

And if you can't make it to the swap, don't be discouraged. You will find that there are swaps happening all the time at an apartment near you. Check out some of these resources:

Or you could host your own swap! Here are some helpful tips:

Happy swapping, honey!

1 comment:

achali said...

maybe we can demonstrate some element of this the night before at live from planet earth? to promote for the swap the next day...